Growing Strawberries From Runners (2024)

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bettymaestrangemzBNZQ2j Posts: 2

August 2020 in

Hi everyone - I'm in my first year of growing fruit and veg in my garden, and I'm currently looking at ways to expand for next year. I'd really like to grow some strawberries, but I'm hoping for some friendly advice to see if I am understanding things correctly:

1. I'm planning on buying strawberry runners online (they aren't in stock in local garden centres and I don't know anyone who grows them so I can use their runners) to plant in a couple of weeks/in September. Once I have the runners, should I put the runner directly into the planter where I'll be growing them (hanging wooden planters attached to the outside of my shed wall), or should I first put them in a large module/plastic pot to establish themselves first? If the latter, at which stage should I move them into the planter?

2. Is it correct that I should cut all the leaves and stems back on the established strawberry at winter time to have a crown sitting just above the soil before covering in mulch? I've seen some videos where they aren't cut back at all, and others where they are. I've also seen videos where they are completely covered in mulch, and others where it's just around the crown. Not sure what the best thing to do is. (I live in South-East Wales - RHS H3/USDA Zone 9)

3. Can I use grass clippings to protect them, or is straw best? And should I then remove this after the last frost, keep the mulch in place around the base of the plant, or place down new mulch?

4. I'm currently using an organic plant-based fertiliser (Nitrogen 3.5% w/v Phosphorus 0.23% w/v Potassium 5% w/v) - should I apply this before the winter, and then again when needed during spring/summer?

5. What are your favourite varieties? (I was thinking of getting 'Snow White' for one planter and 'Marshmello' for another - but I'm open to suggestions!)

Thanks so much for any help! I tend to get into an internet sinkhole of everything fruit & veg related around midnight and I'd really appreciate some guidance.

Growing Strawberries From Runners (2)I'm a complete newbie and never sure I'm doing anything right!

  • I don't know about point 1. or 5. (not sure what kind mine are - just bought 1 plant about 12 years ago) but re. 2-4., I've been so negligent with my strawberry plants over the years, I'm amazed they've survived and provided fruit. I've never mulched or fed them or put any straw down to protect the fruit. So I wouldn't worry too much - I've found that they're the easiest foodstuff for me to grow (with rhubarb on a par).

    However, I've been more attentive recently - at the start of lockdown I dug up all the plants that were scattered liberally around a raised bed and put them in pots. I'm going to propagate as many new plants as possible to start a new patch next year and work on the 3-year cycle principle to try and maximise the crop in future.

    East Lancs

  • Fairygirl Posts: 54,956

    August 2020

    Mine have never had any special care. Plant them [wherever you want them] feed in spring [general slow release or tomato food or similar] let them get on with it.
    They need no protection, or extras.

    Many people fall for all the advertising that goes with plants - its usually to sell you something you don't need.

    It's a place where beautiful isn't enough of a word....

    Growing Strawberries From Runners (5)

    I live in west central Scotland - not where that photo is...

  • purplerallim Posts: 5,272

    August 2020

    I've never seen "runners" for sale, just plants and bare root plants. Surely just buying a few plants now and letting them grow runners would be more productive. All my plants are happily sending out runners, which are being pinned down in pots to grow on until Autumn then will be cut off the main plant. These will be overwintered and then planted out in spring.

  • Fairygirl Posts: 54,956

    August 2020

    I've never seen them either @purplerallim, but maybe it's a new ploy for selling.
    Not that I'm cynical or anything Growing Strawberries From Runners (8)
    I'm currently pegging down some more for a forum member, having already got five potted up and separated.

    It's a place where beautiful isn't enough of a word....

    Growing Strawberries From Runners (9)

    I live in west central Scotland - not where that photo is...

  • bettymaestrangemzBNZQ2j Posts: 2

    August 2020 edited August 2020

    Thanks for all your help, everyone! @purplerallim - yes, you're right! They are 'bare root plants' (my mistake). Presumably the runner is the whole thing that 'runs off' the mother plant, including the new crown and its roots (ie. the bare root)?

    Hahaha @Fairygirl - not a new ploy, luckily! Just me getting confused. Growing Strawberries From Runners (11)

  • Liriodendron Posts: 8,318

    August 2020

    You can definitely plant them in their permanent position straight away - no need to pot them up first. I haven't any yet in my new garden here, but they did well in my Yorkshire garden with minimal attention. They got watered if it was dry, particularly when the fruit was setting; I fed them in spring with blood, fish & bonemeal, having first removed dead leaves and old runners; and I netted them before the fruit started to ripen to protect them from birds and squirrels. Easy. Growing Strawberries From Runners (13)

    Since 2019 I've lived in east Clare, in the west of Ireland.

  • Ilikeplants Posts: 894

    August 2020

    My strawberries are a bit haphazardly grown and this year hardly cropped because of the May heatwave when I didn’t water them and then i think the squirrels made off with so much so they might need some protection.
    I think my plan for next spring might be to pot more up so they can get more watering and feeding and watching over. Maybe it was just a bad tea for strawberries.

  • purplerallim Posts: 5,272

    August 2020

    Mine are in a raised bed that should be a flower bed, but escapee runners from a pot nearby set off the present situation. So after two years the plants need renewing anyway, so will be clearing the bed of old plants, hence potting up the runners. Maybe will be able to actually plant flowers under the standard rose next year😆

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Growing Strawberries From Runners (2024)
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