How To Create And Manipulate A Matlab Table (2024)

Working with tables in MATLAB can streamline your data analysis and visualization tasks. This article offers practical insights and tips to help you get the most out of this feature. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to MATLAB, you'll find valuable techniques to enhance your coding workflow.

Article Summary Box

  • MATLAB tables offer a powerful solution for structured data management and analysis, especially suitable for heterogeneous datasets.
  • Creating a table in MATLAB involves the basic yet flexible `table` function, allowing for diverse data types across different columns.
  • Efficiently adding new columns to existing tables demonstrates MATLAB's adaptability in dynamic data manipulation scenarios.
  • The `sortrows` function simplifies sorting operations in MATLAB, providing a vital tool for organizing and analyzing data within tables.
  • How To Create And Manipulate A Matlab Table (1)
  • Creating A Basic Matlab Table
  • Adding And Removing Columns
  • Sorting And Filtering Data
  • Accessing Table Elements
  • Converting Tables To Arrays And Matrices
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Creating A Basic Matlab Table

  • Naming Columns
  • Adding Rows
  • Data Types
  • To start off, you'll need to understand the basic syntax for creating a table in MATLAB. The table function is your go-to command for this task.

    % Create a basic tableT = table([1; 2; 3], {'A'; 'B'; 'C'}, [true; false; true]);


    After running the above code, you'll have a table T with three columns.

    The first column contains numerical values, the second has characters, and the third has logical values.

    Naming Columns

    Column names are essential for easy navigation and data manipulation. You can specify them using the 'VariableNames' parameter.

    % Create a table with column namesT = table([1; 2; 3], {'A'; 'B'; 'C'}, [true; false; true], 'VariableNames', {'Numbers', 'Letters', 'Logical'});


    This code snippet creates a table with named columns: 'Numbers', 'Letters', and 'Logical'.

    Adding Rows

    Once your table is set up, you might want to add rows to it. The vertcat function can help you concatenate tables vertically.

    % Add a new row to the tablenewRow = table(4, 'D', false, 'VariableNames', {'Numbers', 'Letters', 'Logical'});T = vertcat(T, newRow);


    Here, newRow is a new table with the same column names as T.

    We then concatenate T and newRow to add the new data.

    Data Types

    MATLAB tables can hold multiple data types, including numbers, strings, and logical values. This makes them incredibly flexible for storing complex data sets.

    % Create a table with multiple data typesT = table([1; 2], {'A'; 'B'}, [3.5; 4.5], [true; false], 'VariableNames', {'Integers', 'Strings', 'Floats', 'Logical'});


    In this example, the table T contains integers, strings, floating-point numbers, and logical values, each in its own column.

    Adding And Removing Columns

  • Adding Columns
  • Removing Columns
  • Multiple Columns
  • Column Data Types
  • Adding Columns

    To add a new column to an existing MATLAB table, you can simply assign data to a new column name. The syntax is straightforward.

    % Add a new column to the table TT.NewColumn = [5; 6; 7];


    After executing this code, your table T will have a new column named 'NewColumn' with the values 5, 6, and 7.

    Removing Columns

    If you need to remove a column, the removevars function is your tool of choice. It takes the table and the name of the column to remove as arguments.

    % Remove the 'NewColumn' from the table TT = removevars(T, 'NewColumn');


    This will remove the 'NewColumn' from the table T, leaving the other columns intact.

    Multiple Columns

    Adding or removing multiple columns at once is also possible. You can use cell arrays to specify multiple column names.

    % Add multiple new columnsT = addvars(T, [1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6], 'NewVariableNames', {'ColumnA', 'ColumnB'});% Remove multiple columnsT = removevars(T, {'ColumnA', 'ColumnB'});

    Column Data Types

    When adding columns, MATLAB automatically infers the data type based on the provided values. However, you can explicitly set the data type if needed.

    % Add a column with explicit data typeT.ExplicitType = uint8([1; 2; 3]);


    In this example, a new column 'ExplicitType' is added with data type uint8. The values are 1, 2, and 3.

    Sorting And Filtering Data

  • Sorting Data
  • Descending Order
  • Filtering Data
  • Multiple Conditions
  • Using Find Function
  • Sorting Data

    Sorting data is a common operation, and MATLAB makes it easy with the sortrows function. This function sorts the rows based on one or more column values.

    % Sort the table T based on the 'Numbers' columnT_sorted = sortrows(T, 'Numbers');


    After running this code, T_sorted will contain the rows of table T sorted by the 'Numbers' column.

    Descending Order

    You can also sort the data in descending order by specifying the 'descend' option.

    % Sort in descending orderT_sorted_desc = sortrows(T, 'Numbers', 'descend');


    This will sort the table T based on the 'Numbers' column but in descending order.

    Filtering Data

    Filtering is another essential operation. You can use logical indexing to filter rows based on a condition.

    % Filter rows where 'Numbers' is greater than 2T_filtered = T(T.Numbers > 2, :);


    This code will create a new table T_filtered containing only the rows where the 'Numbers' column has values greater than 2.

    Multiple Conditions

    You can apply multiple conditions for more complex filtering. Use the & (and) or | (or) operators to combine conditions.

    % Filter rows based on multiple conditionsT_multi_filtered = T(T.Numbers > 2 & T.Logical == true, :);


    Here, T_multi_filtered will contain rows where 'Numbers' is greater than 2 and 'Logical' is true.

    Using Find Function

    The find function can also be useful for locating rows that meet specific criteria.

    % Find rows where 'Numbers' is equal to 2row_indices = find(T.Numbers == 2);T_found = T(row_indices, :);


    This will find the rows where the 'Numbers' column is equal to 2 and store them in a new table T_found.


    Optimizing Data Manipulation with MATLAB Tables

    A data analytics team was working on a large dataset containing multiple variables like temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The data was initially stored in separate arrays, making it cumbersome to manage and analyze.



    The team decided to use MATLAB tables to store the data. This allowed them to keep different types of data in a single table, making it easier to manipulate.

    % Create a MATLAB tableweatherData = table([75; 80; 85], [0.6; 0.7; 0.5], [5; 10; 15], 'VariableNames', {'Temperature', 'Humidity', 'WindSpeed'});


    Data Manipulation

    With the data in a table, they could easily sort it based on any column.

    % Sort based on TemperaturesortedData = sortrows(weatherData, 'Temperature');


    Filtering data also became straightforward.

    % Filter rows where Temperature is greater than 77filteredData = weatherData(weatherData.Temperature > 77, :);



    Using MATLAB tables, the team was able to streamline their data manipulation processes, reducing the time spent on data preparation by 40%. This allowed them to focus more on data analysis and interpretation.

    Accessing Table Elements

  • Access By Column Name
  • Access By Row And Column Indices
  • Access Multiple Rows And Columns
  • Conditional Access
  • Accessing All Columns
  • Access By Column Name

    The most straightforward way to access elements in a MATLAB table is by using column names. You can use dot notation for this purpose.

    % Access elements in the 'Numbers' columncolumn_data = T.Numbers;


    This will store all the elements from the 'Numbers' column of table T into the variable column_data.

    Access By Row And Column Indices

    You can also use row and column indices to access specific elements or sub-tables.

    % Access the element in the first row and first columnelement = T{1, 1};


    Here, element will contain the value at the first row and first column of table T.

    Access Multiple Rows And Columns

    To access multiple rows and columns, you can use array slicing techniques.

    % Access elements from the first two rows and first two columnssub_table = T(1:2, 1:2);


    This code snippet will create a new table sub_table containing the first two rows and first two columns from table T.

    Conditional Access

    Sometimes, you may want to access elements based on certain conditions. Logical indexing can be useful here.

    % Access elements in 'Numbers' where 'Logical' is trueconditional_data = T.Numbers(T.Logical);


    This will store elements from the 'Numbers' column where the corresponding value in the 'Logical' column is true.

    Accessing All Columns

    If you want to access all columns for a specific set of rows, you can use the colon operator.

    % Access all columns for the first two rowsall_columns = T(1:2, :);


    This will create a new table all_columns containing all columns for the first two rows of table T.

    Converting Tables To Arrays And Matrices

  • To Numeric Array
  • To Cell Array
  • To Structure Array
  • To Data Types
  • Special Cases
  • To Numeric Array

    Converting a table to a numeric array is often necessary for mathematical operations. The table2array function is designed for this.

    % Convert table T to a numeric arraynumericArray = table2array(T);


    This code will convert all numeric columns in table T into a numeric array stored in numericArray.

    To Cell Array

    For tables containing mixed data types, a cell array is more appropriate. Use the table2cell function.

    % Convert table T to a cell arraycellArray = table2cell(T);


    Executing this code will convert the table T into a cell array, cellArray, preserving the original data types.

    To Structure Array

    Another useful conversion is to a structure array. The table2struct function can accomplish this.

    % Convert table T to a structure arraystructArray = table2struct(T, 'ToScalar', true);


    Here, structArray will be a scalar structure containing each column of table T as a field.

    To Data Types

    If you need to convert a table to specific data types, you can use the varfun function with custom functions.

    % Convert 'Numbers' column to doubleT_double = varfun(@double, T, 'InputVariables', 'Numbers');


    This will apply the double function to the 'Numbers' column and store the result in a new table T_double.

    Special Cases

    Sometimes, you might encounter tables with non-numeric data that you want to convert. In such cases, additional data manipulation may be required.

    % Convert 'Letters' column to numeric codesnumericCodes = double(string(T.Letters));


    This code snippet converts the 'Letters' column to their corresponding numeric ASCII codes.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I Add Rows to a Table Using a Different Table?

    Yes, you can add rows from another table using the vertcat function, as long as the columns match. For example, T = vertcat(T, newRow); will add the rows from newRow to T.

    How Do I Rename Columns in a MATLAB Table?

    To rename columns, you can use the renamevars function. For example, to rename a column from 'OldName' to 'NewName', use T = renamevars(T, 'OldName', 'NewName');.

    Is It Possible to Sort a Table Based on Multiple Columns?

    Yes, you can sort based on multiple columns by passing a cell array of column names to sortrows. For example, T_sorted = sortrows(T, {'Column1', 'Column2'});.

    How Do I Delete Rows from a Table?

    To delete rows, you can use logical indexing. For instance, to remove rows where 'Numbers' is less than 5, you can use T(T.Numbers < 5, :) = [];.

    How Do I Convert a Table to a Matrix When It Has Mixed Data Types?

    In such cases, you can use table2cell to convert the table to a cell array. Then, you can manually convert the cell array to a matrix if needed.

    Let’s test your knowledge!

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    How To Create And Manipulate A Matlab Table (2024)


    How To Create And Manipulate A Matlab Table? ›

    If you want to change any data in the table, you can do so by double-clicking the corresponding cell . If you want to change the data type of any variable, use the drop-down menu. Once you are satisfied with the data you want to import, click Import Selection. In MATLAB, you'll see the table in the Workspace.

    How to modify a table in MATLAB? ›

    If you want to change any data in the table, you can do so by double-clicking the corresponding cell . If you want to change the data type of any variable, use the drop-down menu. Once you are satisfied with the data you want to import, click Import Selection. In MATLAB, you'll see the table in the Workspace.

    Can I create a table in MATLAB? ›

    In MATLAB®, you can create tables and assign data to them in several ways. Create a table from input arrays by using the table function. Add variables to an existing table by using dot notation.

    How do you reshape a table in MATLAB? ›

    B = reshape( A , sz ) reshapes A using the size vector, sz , to define size(B) . For example, reshape(A,[2,3]) reshapes A into a 2-by-3 matrix. sz must contain at least 2 elements, and prod(sz) must be the same as numel(A) .

    How to create a struct table in MATLAB? ›

    T = struct2table( S , Name,Value ) creates a table from a structure array, S , with additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments. For example, you can specify row names to include in the table.

    How can you make a table and modify it? ›

    The steps to modify a table are given below;
    1. Select the table.
    2. Two new tabs Design and Layout appear on the Ribbon.
    3. On Design tab you will see three groups of commands to modify table; Table Style Options, Table Styles and Draw Borders;

    How will you modify a table? ›

    Open a slide with a table, click on the table and the Layout tab appears. After selecting the Layout tab there are options available to modify rows, columns, merge cells, change cell size, modify the alignment, the table size and arrange the table position.

    How do tables work in MATLAB? ›

    Tables consist of rows and column-oriented variables. Each variable in a table can have a different data type and a different size with the one restriction that each variable must have the same number of rows. For more information, see Create Tables and Assign Data to Them or watch Tables and Categorical Arrays.

    How to create a table in MATLAB GUI? ›

    uit = uitable creates a table UI component in the current figure and returns the Table UI component object. If there is no figure available, MATLAB® calls the figure function to create one. uit = uitable( parent ) creates a table in the specified parent container.

    What does reshape do in MATLAB? ›

    The reshape function changes the size and shape of an array. For example, reshape a 3-by-4 matrix to a 2-by-6 matrix. As long as the number of elements in each shape are the same, you can reshape them into an array with any number of dimensions.

    What is the use of reshape in MATLAB? ›

    reshape( A ,...,[],...) lets you represent a size value with the placeholder [] while calculating the magnitude of that size value automatically. For example, if A has size 2-by-6, then reshape(A,4,[]) returns a 4-by-3 array. reshape( A , sz ) reshapes A into an array with size specified by sz , where sz is a vector.

    How to make a table from array MATLAB? ›

    If A is a cell array, use cell2table(A) to create a table from the contents of the cells in A . Each variable in the table is numeric or a cell array of character vectors. array2table(A) creates a table where each variable is a column of cells.

    Which command is used to modify the table? ›

    The ALTER command in SQL is used to make changes to a table, view, or the entire database. We can add, modify, and drop constraints, columns, and indexes using the ALTER command in SQL.

    Can you alter a table variable? ›

    Table variables can't be altered after creation. Tables variables can't be used in an INSERT EXEC or SELECT INTO statement.

    Which command is used to modify the table values? ›

    Answer: UPDATE COMMAND is used when you want to modify rows or add rows to the table. ALTER COMMAND can be used when you want to modify, delete or add columns to a table, It can also be used to drop different constraints from an existing table.

    How to modify table structure with alter command? ›

    We can also change its structure i.e. delete, remove or change its column(s) using the ALTER TABLE statement. Syntax: ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD/DROP <column_name> [datatype]; ALTER TABLE <table> MODIFY <column> <new_definition>; If we want to add a column named Mark in the student table .

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