How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (2024)

Onions are a kitchen staple and one of the easiest, most rewarding crops to grow. You get a lot of edibles from a small space, they keep well, and homegrown varieties add delicious flavor to any savory dish.

Can You Grow Another Onion From an Onion Bulb?

Planting bulbs is a popular way to start onions growing in your garden. Often referred to as sets, these are small, dried onions grown and harvested as immature bulbs, They're sold the following spring in retail outlets including garden centers, feed stores, and even groceries. They are usually available before the final frost. Bulbs take 12 to 14 weeks to grow into mature onions, but even gardeners with short seasons can grow them for green onions.

When to Plant Onion Bulbs

Plant onion bulbs in early spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Or you can plant in autumn about a month before the first frost. Plant the bulbs when you get them. If this isn't possible, store them in a cool, dry location for up to two weeks.

Once established, onions tolerate temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit along with frost and light freezing. Hard freezes damage young plants, so protect bulbs with natural mulch, such as straw. grass clippings, or pine needles. Another way to prevent frost damage is using row covers.

Before You Begin

Start by preparing your planting bed. Onions need lots of sun and perform best in fertile soil on the sandy side with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If your soil is heavy with clay, consider planting in a raised bed. Otherwise, amend the soil with a well-aged compost. If you want to grow a few onions in pots, add compost to the potting mix and choose plastic pots with plenty of drainage holes.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Garden hoe
  • Gloves


  • Onion bulbs/sets
  • Aged compost
  • 10-10-10 Fertilizer
  • Bone meal and blood meal
  • Large pot/s
  • Potting soil
  • Straw, grass clippings, and pine needles
  • Row cover (optional)


How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (1)

  1. Select Onion Bulbs to Plant

    Onion bulbs come in three types: white, yellow, and red. Size can vary so look for ones about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. Locate a retailer that lets you select instead of buying prepackaged bulbs.

    You can discard soft, damaged, or big ones. Large bulbs tend to flower or produce smaller onions. Bulbs that flower quickly rot and should be harvested and used immediately.

    Opinions differ about removing green sprouts before planting. Some gardeners say snipping them off results in better root growth. Others say sprouted bulbs give a head start on leafy growth. Try both ways and see what works best in your patch.

  2. Prepare the Planting Site

    Choose a spot that receives sun all day. Work the aged compost into the soil or potting mix. In the garden, use the hoe to dig a narrow trench about 1 inch deep. Potted onions need 3 inches of space so choose a 12-inch pot to accommodate four bulbs.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (3)

  3. Soak the Bulbs (Optional)

    Some experts say that soaking bulbs before planting causes them to sprout more quickly. Dry bulbs planted in fertile, well-draining soil also sprout in four to seven days, so this is a personal choice. If you decide to soak, place the bulbs in compost tea or room temperature water for up to 24 hours and drain them thoroughly before planting out.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (4)

  4. Place the Bulbs

    Place the bulbs, flat/root side down and 4 inches apart, in the bottom of the trench. Space the rows at least 8 inches apart. To harvest green onions, space bulbs 3 inches apart. Make holes 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart if growing in containers.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (5)

  5. Set the Bulbs and Cover

    Use one gloved hand to hold the bulb in place and the other to cover it with soil up to the stem. Pack the soil firmly around the bulb keeping the stem and top above soil level. This sets the bulb and keeps it in the correct position during planting. Upside-down bulbs rarely sprout.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (6)

  6. Water Gently and Mulch

    Drip irrigation is ideal for watering onions. Otherwise, use a hose with a spray nozzle or a watering can with a rose spout.

    Cover the planting bed or pot with a light natural mulch.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (7)

  7. Maintenance and Care

    Provide 1 to 2 inches of water per week until the onions reach your desired size. Green onions are ready in three to four weeks. Mature onions grow above or partially above soil level so you can monitor the size. Reduce or stop watering to allow their tops to dry and die back before harvest.

    Fertilize every two weeks during its leafy growth with an NPK 10-10-10 or use organic bone meal and blood meal once a month.

    Fun Fact

    Every leaf on an onion plant represents one ring of growth for the bulb.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (8)

  8. Harvest and Cure

    Harvest green onions when leaves are about 8 inches tall. Full-size onions are ready to harvest when the green tops and leaves fall over. Stop watering and leave the plants for a week to allow the stems and necks to dry or dig the onions and lay them out on a flat surface to cure.

    After leaves and stems dry, check the top around the stem. If the entire onion is solid without soft spots, cut the stem leaving about 1/2 to 1 inch attached. Continue to cure the onions for a few days before storing them in a cool, dark location.

    How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (9)


  • What month do you plant onion bulbs?

    Plant as early as the soil can be worked in your growing zone. Onions take 12 to 14 weeks to reach full size. Bulbs planted later can be harvested as green onions.

  • Do you soak onion bulbs before planting?

    This is your choice. Soaking may result in quicker sprouting but dry sets can sprout as early as four days after planting.

  • How deep should onion bulbs be planted?

    Plant according to the size of the bulb, but generally the depth is about 1 inch. Keeping the root side down and the top above the soil level is the most important.

How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion (2024)


How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Grow Another Onion? ›

Put roots at the bottom and press down slightly on the onion to ensure good contact with the soil. Plant deeply enough so that the top of the onion is covered by an inch of soil. Water evenly so the soil is uniformly moist and place the pot in a sunny south or west-facing window.

How do you grow onions from another onion? ›

Put roots at the bottom and press down slightly on the onion to ensure good contact with the soil. Plant deeply enough so that the top of the onion is covered by an inch of soil. Water evenly so the soil is uniformly moist and place the pot in a sunny south or west-facing window.

Do onion bulbs grow multiple onions? ›

In short the answer is, YES! You can plant a sprouted onion and grow a new one. Actually, usually you can get sometimes get three new onions from one sprouted onion!

How do I grow onions from bulbs? ›

Sets are dormant bulbs that can be planted directly into the ground. Onion sets should be planted 1 to 2 inches deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. Then, once the plants begin to grow, thin them to 3 to 4 inches apart. Plants thinned from the row to create room can be used as green onions.

Can I grow onions from store bought onions? ›

It is very simple to regrow onions from scraps and you only need a small sliver of onion to use as a starting block. This can be done with onions bought from stores or ones grown in your own vegetable garden. Cut off the root end of an onion with a thickness of around half an inch.

How many onions do you get from planting one onion? ›

A single Onion bulb or a single Onion seed will produce one Onion. The size of the Onion will vary depending on the variety and the growing conditions. The cheapest way to produce your own Onions is to grow them from seed, a single packet of seed is often sufficient to supply Onions for the year.

Do 1 onion bulbs multiply? ›

I've been growing garlic for quite a few years, and I like how you can save your own planting stock and replant it year after year. With multiplier onions, you plant a single bulb and as they grow they split (or multiply) into a clump of bulbs.

How long do onions take to grow from bulbs? ›

Onions should be harvested in late summer, prior to the onset of cool weather to prevent spoilage or damage from the direct sun. Bulb onions should be harvested approximately 100 to 125 days after planting. Unlike the green onions, bulb onions will communicate with you and let you know when they are ready for picking.

How many onion bulbs do you plant together? ›

Quick Guide to Growing Onions

Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. Grow them in a sunny spot that has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Improve your native soil by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter.

Do you soak onion bulbs before planting? ›

A set is an actual bulb and will produce onions quickly. You can plant onion sets without soaking them, but soaked onions will sprout more quickly. You can also soak onion seed before planting to encourage germination. Soaking the sets in compost tea will give them added nutrition and protection from disease.

What is one thing you should never do with sprouted onions? ›

If you're cooking the onions, it shouldn't make a major difference. But we'd suggest steering away from raw preparations, since the onions will taste more astringent. And it should go without saying that you should toss (or compost!)

What is the secret to growing big onions? ›

The key to growing big onions is for the plants to be large when they begin to form bulbs. Bulb formation begins as early as late April to early May in North Dakota. We want our onion plants to have as many leaves as possible in spring. That's because every leaf creates a ring of onion.

How long do onions take to grow? ›

Onion sets are immature bulbs that are 3/4 inches in diameter and smaller. You can usually find these in bags of 100 in the spring—plus, they are easy to grow. "You just open the bag and plant each set an inch deep and you're done," says Jabbour. Most onion sets take between 90 to 100 days to mature to full-size bulbs.

How do you root an onion in water? ›

Set the onion, roots down, on top of the glass with the toothpicks resting on the rim. The roots and base of the onion should be immersed in water. This way, the roots will be able to drink up water so the onion can grow, while the rest of the onion will be surrounded by air to avoid rotting.

How many times can you regrow onions? ›

You can get at least three to five harvests from one bulb. If you pull the bulb and keep regrowing it with water or divide the roots each spring, you can keep regrowing your green onion crop perpetually. Green onions are winter hardy and will spur new growth in early spring.

Which part of an onion can grow into a new plant? ›

Onion plants can be grown from seeds or from bulbs. The process of growing onions from bulb is known as vegetative propagation (a form of asexual reproduction in which the new plant grows from a fragment of the parent plant). Bulb grows by the growth of the radicle and flag leaves after which the true leaves emerge.

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