Tables - MATLAB & Simulink (2024)

Arrays in tabular form whose named columns can have different types

table is a data type suitable for column-oriented or tabular data that is often stored as columns in a text file or in a spreadsheet. Tables consist of rows and column-oriented variables. Each variable in a table can have a different data type and a different size with the one restriction that each variable must have the same number of rows. For more information, see Create Tables and Assign Data to Them or watch Tables and Categorical Arrays.


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tableTable array with named variables that can contain different types
array2tableConvert hom*ogeneous array to table
cell2tableConvert cell array to table
struct2tableConvert structure array to table
table2arrayConvert table to hom*ogeneous array
table2cellConvert table to cell array
table2structConvert table to structure array
table2timetableConvert table to timetable
timetable2tableConvert timetable to table
vartypeSubscript into table or timetable by variable type
convertvarsConvert table or timetable variables to specified data type

Basic Import and Export

readtableCreate table from file
writetableWrite table to file

Define Import Rules

detectImportOptionsCreate import options based on file content
spreadsheetImportOptionsImport options object for Spreadsheets
getvaroptsGet variable import options
setvaroptsSet variable import options
setvartypeSet variable data types
previewPreview eight rows from file using import options

Parquet Files

parquetreadRead columnar data from a Parquet file
parquetwriteWrite columnar data to Parquet file
parquetinfoGet information about Parquet file
summaryPrint summary of table, timetable, or categorical array
heightNumber of table rows
widthNumber of table variables
istableDetermine if input is table
istabularDetermine if input is table or timetable (Since R2021b)
headGet top rows of array or table
tailGet bottom rows of array or table
stackedplotStacked plot of several variables with common x-axis


sortrowsSort rows of matrix or table
uniqueUnique values in array
issortedrowsDetermine if matrix or table rows are sorted
topkrowsTop rows in sorted order

Filter Rows and Variables

rowfilterSelectively import rows of interest (Since R2022a)
vartypeSubscript into table or timetable by variable type

Rearrange Variables

addvarsAdd variables to table or timetable
renamevarsRename variables in table or timetable (Since R2020a)
movevarsMove variables in table or timetable
removevarsDelete variables from table or timetable
splitvarsSplit multicolumn variables in table or timetable
mergevarsCombine table or timetable variables into multicolumn variable
convertvarsConvert table or timetable variables to specified data type


rows2varsReorient table or timetable so that rows become variables
stackStack data from input table or timetable into one variable in output table or timetable
unstackUnstack data from one variable into multiple variables
inner2outerInvert nested table-in-table hierarchy in tables or timetables

Customize Properties

addpropAdd custom properties to table or timetable
rmpropRemove custom properties from table or timetable

Join Using Key Variables

joinCombine two tables or timetables by rows using key variables
innerjoinInner join between two tables or timetables
outerjoinOuter join between two tables or timetables

Set Operations

unionSet union of two arrays
intersectSet intersection of two arrays
ismemberArray elements that are members of set array
setdiffSet difference of two arrays
setxorSet exclusive OR of two arrays
anymissingDetermine if any array element is missing (Since R2022a)
ismissingFind missing values
standardizeMissingInsert standard missing values
rmmissingRemove missing entries
fillmissingFill missing entries
pivotSummarize tabular data in pivoted table (Since R2023a)
groupcountsNumber of group elements
groupfilterFilter by group (Since R2019b)
groupsummaryGroup summary computations
grouptransformTransform by group
findgroupsFind groups and return group numbers
splitapplySplit data into groups and apply function
rowfunApply function to table or timetable rows
varfunApply function to table or timetable variables
vartypeSubscript into table or timetable by variable type
convertvarsConvert table or timetable variables to specified data type


Data CleanerPreprocess and organize column-oriented data (Since R2022a)

Live Editor Tasks

Compute by GroupSummarize, transform, or filter by group in the Live Editor (Since R2021b)
Pivot TableSummarize tabular data in pivoted table in the Live Editor (Since R2023b)
Join TablesCombine two tables using key variables in the Live Editor (Since R2019b)
Stack Table VariablesCombine values from multiple table variables into one table variable in the Live Editor (Since R2020a)
Unstack Table VariablesDistribute values from one table variable to multiple table variables in the Live Editor (Since R2020a)


  • Create Tables and Assign Data to Them

    There are several ways to create tables and assign data to them. You can create tables from input arrays, preallocate tables and fill them in later, or import tables from text files or spreadsheets.

  • Control How MATLAB Imports Your Data

    If you want to control the import process beyond the options provided by the readtable function, such as defining how to handle missing data or errors, then create an import options object before importing the data.

  • Access Data in Tables

    Indexing into tables with parentheses, dot notation, and curly braces accesses table data in different ways. You can use indexing to create a table that is a subset of a larger table or to create an array from data in a table.

    • Rename and Describe Table Variables
    • Add, Delete, and Rearrange Table Variables
    • Add and Delete Table Rows
    • Clean Messy and Missing Data in Tables
    • Using Row Labels in Table and Timetable Operations
    • Convert Text in Table Variables to Categorical
    • Add Custom Properties to Tables and Timetables
  • Direct Calculations on Tables and Timetables

    You can perform calculations directly on tables and timetables without indexing to extract their data. All the variables in your tables and timetables must have data types that support calculations.

    • Calculations When Tables Have Both Numeric and Nonnumeric Data
    • Summarize or Pivot Data in Tables Using Groups
    • Perform Calculations by Group in Table
    • Rules for Table and Timetable Mathematics
  • Plots That Support Tables

    Create plots by passing tables directly to plotting functions.

  • Tables of Mixed Data

    Use tables to store mixed-type data conveniently, access data with numeric or named indexing, and to store metadata.

  • Changes to DimensionNames Property in R2016b

    Tables can raise compatibility warnings, and changedimension names, when you modify the DimensionNames property.

Featured Examples

Data Cleaning and Calculations in TablesClean data stored in a table or timetable. Perform computations by using the numeric and categorical data that the table contains.

Open Live Script

Grouped Calculations in Tables and TimetablesPerform in-place calculations on groups of data in tables and timetables.

Open Live Script

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Tables- MATLAB & Simulink (3)

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- MATLAB & Simulink (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.