The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (2024)

When you’re planting a garden, there’s a lot to consider. Even plant selection alone takes serious consideration.

This includes thinking about what plants will thrive in your area. Not to mention, there are plenty of aesthetic decisions in designing your garden.

However, you’ll also want to make sure that your plants don’t fall victim to pests. Otherwise, you’ll have to make sure that you take extra precautions to keep your plants safe.

Of course, you have the option of protecting your plants with deer repellent or rabbit repellent. Yet, an alternative choice is to choose a plant that is already rabbit-resistant.

These are some great options for your garden and lawn that won’t get nibbled on by rabbits.

Table of Contents

Characteristics to Look for in Plants

When trying to find plants that fit your garden but don’t attract rabbits, there are features to look out for. Since we can’t go over every rabbit-resistance plant here, it’s worth knowing what to check.

First, check the leaves of the plant. Any leaves that are leathery, have fuzz, or have a prickled or jagged edge are deterrents.

You’ll also want to consider plants that have strongly scented leaves or flowers. For example, mint and lavender are considered fairly rabbit-resistant.

Plus, if the stems of the plant have a lot of sap, you aren’t likely to see rabbits in your garden.

It’s also worth taking some time to do a little extra research about poisonous plants. Rabbits won’t eat plants that are bad for them like foxglove.

Planting Vegetables

If you’re planting a vegetable garden, you might not think you have many options for keeping rabbits away. Actually, there are a few vegetables that you can keep around without worrying about rabbits.

If you want to avoid rabbits in your vegetable garden, these are a few vegetables to try out:

  • Globe artichokes
  • Jerusalem artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Onions
  • Leeks
  • Rhubarbs
  • Tomatoes
  • Summer squash

You can also opt to plant tubers as well. For example, potatoes are a great choice that rabbits aren’t likely to go after.

Sweet Alyssum

If you’re interested in a garden of flowers rather than edible items, there are plenty of options. Here on, we’ll take a look at some of the flowers you can keep in your rabbit-proof garden.

One great choice is Lobularia maritima or sweet alyssum. This is a beautiful flower that grows in clusters of flowers that can be either pink, lavender, violet, or white.

The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (1)

Check sweet Alyssum on Amazon

These flowers bloom in the spring and grow best in partial shade or full sun. You can rely on these flowers as a beginner gardener too since they’re both heat-tolerant and drought-resistant.

To get these plants started, just sow your seeds on the surface of your garden’s soil. It’s best to do this after there’s no further chance of frost which would kill the plant.


If you want something a little more unique looking, you might want to consider cleome. These plants are native to South America and the United States and have distinctive flowers and stems.

The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (2)

Check Cleome on Amazon

These features are actually what keeps them safe from pests like rabbits. For instance, the prickly stems are less likely to get snacked on by rabbits.

On top of that, there’s the smell of the flower. People tend to either describe this flower as having a skunk-like odor or even likening it to mint.

No matter where you fall on your preference of the scent, rabbits don’t like it. This means they’re less likely to go near it.

Not to mention, these flowers will last a while as well. They bloom in midsummer and will stick around until after the first frost.


If you want to add a warm color to your garden, calendulas are a great choice. Also known as pot marigolds or English marigolds, they’re an orange to a yellow shade.

The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (3)

Check Calendulas on Amazon

The appearance of the flowers, aside from color, is close to a daisy or chrysanthemum. They bloom in June and will stay around until frost.

They are better suited to cooler climates. If you live in a hot climate, you’ll have more luck with an option like French marigolds.

While the leaves and flowers of a plant like this are edible, you won’t have trouble with rabbits. They don’t like the bitter taste of the plant or the strong scent it gives off.

Wax Begonia

Wax begonias are an annual flower that many gardeners enjoy in their yard. They’re fairly easy to grow, so long as you have them in the shade.

The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (4)

Check Wax Begonia on Amazon

It is worth noting that wax begonias aren’t suitable for high-heat. This means that hotter climates may not be suitable for these plants.

They also come in a range of tones. You might see blooms in bronze, maroon, pink, and more.

Even better, begonias are a great way to repel rabbits, who hate them. If you have problems with rabbits in your garden, you can grow a row of these to repel them.


Snapdragon blooms are popular for how unique they are. Particularly, they’re popular for the ability of the flowers to, as the name suggests, snap open.

The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (5)

Check Snapdragon on Amazon

On the other hand, rabbits don’t like these plants as much. They’re not only unpalatable but not great for them either.

That being said, if you have a pet rabbit, you shouldn’t grow snapdragons around them. They can prove toxic to them.

There are a few different types of snapdragon varieties. If you want a smaller plant, dwarf snapdragons are a great choice but some varieties grow up to four feet tall.

If you want to keep your snapdragons as a repetitive bloom, it’s best to deadhead your flowers. In other words, take the time to remove dead blooms as they arise for the best results.

Final Thoughts

Rabbits can prove real pests to gardens if you aren’t careful. One of the best ways to avoid them is to plant items that they won’t go after.

This doesn’t just include toxic plants. As we’ve discussed here, there are plenty of plants that rabbits simply don’t like.

With this information, you can make your garden rabbit-resistant no matter what kind of garden you want!

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The Most Rabbit Resistant Plants and Vegetables - Best Garden Tips (2024)
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