Use variable to find column in table (2024)

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Katherine on 13 Dec 2023

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Answered: Steven Lord on 4 Jan 2024

Accepted Answer: Voss

I am trying to reset a tables values to 0.

The sceanario may change every time. So I am using table.Properties.VariableNames to find the names of the columns and then I was trying to cycle through the columns using the names stores in table.Properties.VariableNames so I could assign the reset values.

For example, I have a table with 5 columns called A to E




The error is that var is not a table column name which is true, but what is stored inside var is. I have to do it like this as one of the columns is actually a mini table and using size(table(:,10)) gives 12 1 but its actually 12 4. using size(table.var10) gives the correct answertab

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Stephen23 on 13 Dec 2023

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You can either use T{:,X} or T.(X) to access any variable using expression X.

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Accepted Answer

Voss on 13 Dec 2023

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% a table with 5 columns, one of which is a table with 4 columns:

t = table(rand(12,1),rand(12,1), ...

array2table(rand(12,4),'VariableNames',"C"+(1:4)), ...

rand(12,1),rand(12,1), ...


var = t.Properties.VariableNames;


A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 ________ ________ ___________________________________________ _______ ________ 0.72865 0.95941 0.87349 0.26227 0.42639 0.96083 0.14744 0.77161 0.85309 0.62403 0.19329 0.28628 0.33 0.6298 0.99507 0.60549 0.73144 0.60098 0.95765 0.69378 0.15803 0.28751 0.31233 0.38058 0.53602 0.59152 0.68489 0.52386 0.18541 0.37659 0.59207 0.49533 0.30399 0.29887 0.8184 0.63234 0.62179 0.76149 0.34043 0.6088 0.011554 0.39662 0.58962 0.064497 0.34494 0.795 0.48311 0.50604 0.66965 0.45485 0.51885 0.47429 0.86962 0.27364 0.80457 0.183 0.34735 0.83887 0.73486 0.1568 0.91418 0.82387 0.66479 0.9985 0.70295 0.027005 0.41849 0.036909 0.61908 0.58419 0.89819 0.27984 0.13258 0.58911 0.86353 0.78146 0.28787 0.16293 0.73759 0.52051 0.4701 0.024021 0.077109 0.80098 0.70586 0.069148 0.78371 0.62528 0.54768 0.15003 0.67575 0.31717 0.29992 0.63877 0.78844 0.041964

Use this syntax to refer to a table column's contents when the column names are stored in var:


ans = 12×1

0.7287 0.8531 0.7314 0.5360 0.3040 0.0116 0.6697 0.3474 0.7029 0.1326


ans = 12×4 table

C1 C2 C3 C4 ________ ________ _______ ________ 0.87349 0.26227 0.42639 0.96083 0.19329 0.28628 0.33 0.6298 0.95765 0.69378 0.15803 0.28751 0.68489 0.52386 0.18541 0.37659 0.8184 0.63234 0.62179 0.76149 0.58962 0.064497 0.34494 0.795 0.51885 0.47429 0.86962 0.27364 0.73486 0.1568 0.91418 0.82387 0.41849 0.036909 0.61908 0.58419 0.86353 0.78146 0.28787 0.16293 0.077109 0.80098 0.70586 0.069148 0.67575 0.31717 0.29992 0.63877

Using that, here is one way to set everything to 0:

for ii = 1:numel(var)

if istable(t.(var{ii}))

t.(var{ii}){:,:} = 0;


t.(var{ii})(:) = 0;




A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 _ _ ____________________ _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Katherine on 4 Jan 2024

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This works great and helped made my code more efficient. Your answer was so easy to understand, thank you

Voss on 4 Jan 2024

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You're welcome!

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More Answers (2)

Mathieu NOE on 13 Dec 2023

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maybe this ? here we want to reset the B column

m = 10,

m = 10

n = 3;

t = array2table(rand(m,n),'VariableNames',{'A' 'B' 'C'})

t = 10×3 table

A B C _______ _______ _________ 0.32001 0.97943 0.51794 0.39286 0.79694 0.68753 0.61581 0.71661 0.85918 0.7122 0.33171 0.6402 0.89579 0.68001 0.43428 0.93457 0.24604 0.096676 0.69047 0.23767 0.5885 0.14564 0.79213 0.58002 0.68773 0.32087 0.0058992 0.46555 0.92998 0.89511


col2reset_name = "B";

index = find(contains(var,col2reset_name));

t(:,2) = array2table(zeros(m,1))

t = 10×3 table

A B C _______ _ _________ 0.32001 0 0.51794 0.39286 0 0.68753 0.61581 0 0.85918 0.7122 0 0.6402 0.89579 0 0.43428 0.93457 0 0.096676 0.69047 0 0.5885 0.14564 0 0.58002 0.68773 0 0.0058992 0.46555 0 0.89511


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Steven Lord on 4 Jan 2024

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Note that as shown on the documentation page linked to by @Stephen23, you can access data in a table using variable names, logical arrays, or subscripts.

A = array2table(magic(4))

A = 4×4 table

Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 ____ ____ ____ ____ 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1

B1 = A.Var3

B1 = 4×1

3 10 6 15

B2 = A{:, "Var3"}

B2 = 4×1

3 10 6 15

B3 = A{:, 3}

B3 = 4×1

3 10 6 15

B4 = A{:, [false false true false]}

B4 = 4×1

3 10 6 15

Converting a subset of a list of variable names in a table to either subscripts (as B3) or a logical mask (as B4) is pretty easy.

varnames = ["Var2", "Var4"]

varnames = 1×2 string array

"Var2" "Var4"

mask = ismember(A.Properties.VariableNames, varnames)

mask = 1×4 logical array

0 1 0 1

subscripts = find(mask)

subscripts = 1×2

2 4


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Use variable to find column in table (8)

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Use variable to find column in table (2024)
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