Data Table - Quasar Framework (2024)

QTable is a Component which allows you to display data in a tabular manner. Features:

  • Filtering
  • Sorting
  • Single / Multiple rows selection with custom selection actions
  • Pagination (including server-side if required)
  • Total customization of rows and cells through scoped slots
  • Ability to add additional row(s) at top or bottom of data rows
  • Columns picker (through QTableColumns component described in one of the sections)
  • Custom top and/or bottom Table controls
  • Responsive design (“dense” mode for narrow windows)


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: [

// pick only what you are using from:

Basic Usage

This is the most basic QTable:

title="Table Title"

export default {
data: () => ({
columns: [
name: 'desc',
required: true,
label: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'left',
field: 'name',
sortable: true
tableData: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
sodium: 87,
calcium: '14%',
iron: '1%'


The default values of the different QTable labels are taken care of by default through Quasar I18n. If your desired language pack is missing, please provide a PR for it.

QTable Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
dataArray of ObjectsData containing Array of rows to display.
columnsArray of Objects(Required) Defining each column’s properties.
row-keyString(Required) Property name of each row defining a unique data key for the respective rows.
paginationObjectUse with .sync. Control of the pagination and sorting. Can enable Table “server-mode” by containing rowsNumber property. See next sections for details.
rows-per-page-optionsArrayArray of Numbers representing options for user to select how many rows per page should be shown. Example: ‘[3, 5, 7, 0]’. Notice value 0 means “All”.
selectionStringSet selection mode. One of ‘single’, ‘multiple’ or (default) ‘none’.
selectedArrayUse with .sync. Array of unique keys for selected row(s).
visible-columnsArrayArray of Strings containing the ‘name’ column property value of the visible columns.
loadingBooleanShow a background process is in progress (like fetching data and so on).
colorStringColor of the default Table controls (pagination, checkboxes, …).
darkBooleanWhen using Table on a dark background.
denseBooleanDense Table, when you want to display more data using the same real estate on window. Gets activated by default on narrow windows.
titleStringTitle of Table.
hide-headerBooleanHide Table header.
hide-bottomBooleanHide Table bottom (usually containing pagination controls).
separatorStringSets separator for rows/columns/cell. One of ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’, ‘cell’, ‘none’.
table-styleString/Array/ObjectStyle for the <table> tag itself.
table-classString/Array/ObjectClasses for the <table> tag itself.
filterStringFilter String for Table used by filter-method().
filter-methodFunctionWhen you want a custom filtering method. See next sections for details.

Label properties are by default defined in Quasar’s i18n, but you can override them:

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
no-data-labelStringMessage to display when no rows are available.
no-results-labelStringMessage to display when no rows match the filter.
loading-labelStringMessage to display when Table currently has no rows but is in the process of fetching them.
selected-rows-label(rowsNumber)FunctionFunction that returns a message (String) to display how many rows are selected. Takes a Number parameter which is the actual rows number that are selected.
rows-per-page-labelStringOverride ‘Rows per page:’ message.
pagination-label(start,end,total)FunctionOverride default ‘x-y of z’ pagination label.

Initial sorted column, sorting direction & page is configured through the pagination prop. Check the Pagination section below.

Columns Definition

Let’s take an example of configuring columns property. Let’s assume we are telling QTable that row-key is ‘name’.

columns: /* array of Objects */ [
// column Object definition
// unique id (used by row-key, pagination.sortBy, ...)
name: 'desc',

// label for header
label: 'Dessert (100g serving)',

// row Object property to determine value for this column
field: 'name',
// OR field: row => row.some.nested.prop

// (optional) if we use visible-columns, this col will always be visible
required: true,

// (optional) alignment
align: 'left',

// (optional) tell QTable you want this column sortable
sortable: true

// (optional) compare function if you have
// some custom data or want a specific way to compare two rows
sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10)
// function return value:
// * is less than 0 then sort a to an index lower than b, i.e. a comes first
// * is 0 then leave a and b unchanged with respect to each other, but sorted with respect to all different elements
// * is greater than 0 then sort b to an index lower than a, i.e. b comes first
{ name: 'calories', label: 'Calories', field: 'calories', sortable: true },
{ name: 'fat', label: 'Fat (g)', field: 'fat', sortable: true },
{ name: 'carbs', label: 'Carbs (g)', field: 'carbs' },
{ name: 'protein', label: 'Protein (g)', field: 'protein' },
{ name: 'sodium', label: 'Sodium (mg)', field: 'sodium' },
{ name: 'calcium', label: 'Calcium (%)', field: 'calcium', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) },
{ name: 'iron', label: 'Iron (%)', field: 'iron', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) }


When you want to control Table’s pagination, use pagination prop, but don’t forget to add the .sync modifier:

<q-table :pagination.sync="pagination" ... />
<q-btn @click="" label="Next page" ... />

export default {
data: () => ({
pagination: {
sortBy: null, // String, column "name" property value
descending: false,
page: 1,
rowsPerPage: 5 // current rows per page being displayed

When pagination has a property named rowsNumber, then this means that you’ll be configuring Table for server-side pagination (& sorting & filtering).

Custom Filter Method


export default {
data: () => ({ filter: '' }),
methods: {
// this is actually the default filtering method:
myFilter (rows, terms, cols, cellValue) {
const lowerTerms = terms ? terms.toLowerCase() : ''
return rows.filter(
row => cols.some(col => (cellValue(col, row) + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerTerms) !== -1)

QTable Vue Events

Vue EventParametersDescription
@requestObject { pagination, filter, getCellValue }Gets triggered when using server-side pagination (pagination property Object contains rowsNumber)

Server-side Pagination, Filtering, Sorting

When your database contains a big number of rows for a Table, obviously it’s not feasible to load them all for multiple reasons (memory, UI rendering performance, …). Instead, you can load only a Table page. Whenever the user wants to navigate to another Table page, or wants to sort by a column or wants to filter the Table, a request is sent to the server to fetch the partial data.

  1. First step to enable this behavior is to specify pagination prop, which MUST contain rowsNumber. QTable needs to know the total number of rows available in order to correctly render the pagination links.

  2. Second step is to listen for @request event on QTable. This event is triggered when data needs to be fetched from the server because either page number or sorting or filtering changed.

  3. It’s best that you also specify the loading prop in order to notify the user that a background process is in progress.

<template slot="top-right" slot-scope="props">
<q-search hide-underline v-model="filter" />

import tableData from 'assets/table-data'

export default {
data () {
return {
filter: '',
loading: false,
serverPagination: {
page: 1,
rowsNumber: 10 // specifying this determines pagination is server-side

serverData: [],
columns: [
name: 'desc',
required: true,
label: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'left',
field: 'name',
sortable: true
{ name: 'calories', label: 'Calories', field: 'calories', sortable: true },
{ name: 'fat', label: 'Fat (g)', field: 'fat', sortable: true },
{ name: 'carbs', label: 'Carbs (g)', field: 'carbs' },
{ name: 'protein', label: 'Protein (g)', field: 'protein' },
{ name: 'sodium', label: 'Sodium (mg)', field: 'sodium' },
{ name: 'calcium', label: 'Calcium (%)', field: 'calcium', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) },
{ name: 'iron', label: 'Iron (%)', field: 'iron', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) }
methods: {
request ({ pagination, filter }) {
// we set QTable to "loading" state
this.loading = true

// we do the server data fetch, based on pagination and filter received
// (using Axios here, but can be anything; parameters vary based on backend implementation)

.then(({ data }) => {
// updating pagination to reflect in the UI
this.serverPagination = pagination

// we also set (or update) rowsNumber
this.serverPagination.rowsNumber = data.rowsNumber

// then we update the rows with the fetched ones
this.serverData = data.rows

// finally we tell QTable to exit the "loading" state
this.loading = false
.catch(error => {
// there's an error... do SOMETHING

// we tell QTable to exit the "loading" state
this.loading = false
mounted () {
// once mounted, we need to trigger the initial server data fetch
pagination: this.serverPagination,
filter: this.filter

Examples - Features

Filter, Column selection, Separators, Toggle Fullscreen

<template slot="top-left" slot-scope="props">
<template slot="top-right" slot-scope="props">
{ label: 'Horizontal', value: 'horizontal' },
{ label: 'Vertical', value: 'vertical' },
{ label: 'Cell', value: 'cell' },
{ label: 'None', value: 'none' }
flat round dense
:icon="props.inFullscreen ? 'fullscreen_exit' : 'fullscreen'"

export default {
data: () => ({
tableData: [ ... ],
columns: [ ... ],
visibleColumns: ['desc', 'fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'sodium', 'calcium', 'iron'],
separator: 'horizontal',
filter: ''

Row selection, Extra top/bottom rows, Loading state

<q-tr slot="top-row" slot-scope="props">
<q-td colspan="100%">
<strong>Extra top row</strong>

<q-tr slot="bottom-row" slot-scope="props">
<q-td colspan="100%">
<strong>Extra bottom row</strong>

<template slot="top-left" slot-scope="props">
{ label: 'Single', value: 'single' },
{ label: 'Multiple', value: 'multiple' },
{ label: 'None', value: 'none' }
style="min-width: 100px"
<div slot="top-right" slot-scope="props" class="column">
label="Loading state"
label="On dark background"

export default {
data: () => ({
tableData: [ ... ],
columns: [ ... ],
loading: false,
dark: true,
selection: 'multiple',
selected: [
// initial selection; notice we specify the
// row-key prop of the selected row
{ name: 'Ice cream sandwich' }

Controlling pagination, custom controls & watching for page navigation

<div slot="pagination" slot-scope="props" class="row flex-center q-py-sm">
round dense size="sm" icon="undo" color="secondary" class="q-mr-sm"
<div class="q-mr-sm" style="font-size: small">
Page {{ }} / {{ props.pagesNumber }}
round dense size="sm" icon="redo" color="secondary"

export default {
data: () => ({
tableData: [ ... ],
columns: [ ... ],
paginationControl: { rowsPerPage: 3, page: 1 },
watch: {
'' (page) {
color: 'secondary',
message: `Navigated to page ${page}`,
actions: page < 4
? [{
label: 'Go to last page',
handler: () => { = 4
: null

Row selection actions

title="Select some rows"
<!-- gets displayed only when there's at least one row selected -->
<template slot="top-selection" slot-scope="props">
<q-btn color="secondary" flat label="Action 1" class="q-mr-sm" />
<q-btn color="secondary" flat label="Action 2" />
<div class="col" />
<q-btn color="negative" flat round delete icon="delete" @click="deleteRow" />

Hide header & bottom


Display a nested property or format a column

You can display the value of a nested property. For example:

columns: [
name: 'author',
label: 'Author',
field: row =>

Then you can go even further and format the value for a specific column in your column definition. Example:

columns: [
name: 'author',
label: 'Author',
field: row =>,
format: val => `${val}%`

The value returned by field is used for sorting rows, while the format value is specifically meant for displaying a value to the user. This is very useful for cases where you need to sort by the initial value of your data. You can (if you want to), however, avoid the format and use custom scoped slots (row, column cell) for defining how Quasar should format the cell(s).

Examples - Customization

Custom table top & bottom

<div slot="top" slot-scope="props" class="row flex-center fit">
<img src="~assets/quasar-logo-full.svg">
<div slot="bottom" slot-scope="props" class="row flex-center fit">
round dense icon="chevron_left" color="primary" class="q-mr-md"
round dense icon="chevron_right" color="primary"

Custom column cell

<!-- slot name syntax: body-cell-<column_name> -->
<q-td slot="body-cell-desc" slot-scope="props" :props="props">
<q-chip small color="secondary">{{ props.value }}</q-chip>

Custom rows

<q-tr slot="body" slot-scope="props" :props="props">
<q-td key="desc" :props="props">
<span class="text-italic">{{ }}</span>
<q-tooltip>I'd like to eat "{{ }}"</q-tooltip>
<q-td key="calories" :props="props">
<div class="row items-center justify-between no-wrap">
<q-btn size="sm" round dense color="secondary" icon="remove" @click="props.row.calories--" class="q-mr-xs" />
<q-btn size="sm" round dense color="tertiary" icon="add" @click="props.row.calories++" class="q-mr-sm" />
<div>{{ props.row.calories }}</div>
<q-td key="fat" :props="props">{{ props.row.fat }}</q-td>
<q-td key="carbs" :props="props">
<q-chip small square color="amber">{{ props.row.carbs }}</q-chip>
<q-td key="protein" :props="props">{{ props.row.protein }}</q-td>
<q-td key="sodium" :props="props">{{ props.row.sodium }}</q-td>
<q-td key="calcium" :props="props">{{ props.row.calcium }}</q-td>
<q-td key="iron" :props="props">
{{ props.row.iron }}

Alternative custom rows

title="Click on a row"
<q-tr slot="body" slot-scope="props" :props="props" @click.native="rowClick(props.row)" class="cursor-pointer">
<q-td v-for="col in props.cols" :key="" :props="props">
# {{ col.value }} #

Custom header (has tooltips)

<tr slot="header" slot-scope="props">
<q-th key="desc" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>Pick a desert</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="calories" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>These are the calories</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="fat" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>This is the fat</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="carbs" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>These are the carbohydrates</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="protein" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>These are the proteins</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="sodium" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>This is the sodium</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="calcium" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>This is the calcium</q-tooltip>
<q-th key="iron" :props="props">
<q-tooltip>This is the iron</q-tooltip>

Alternative custom header

<q-tr slot="header" slot-scope="props" :props="props">
<q-th v-for="col in props.cols" :key="" :props="props">
# {{ col.label }} #

Custom header & rows with selection & expandable rows

<q-tr slot="header" slot-scope="props">
<q-th auto-width>
<q-th v-for="col in props.cols" :key="" :props="props">
{{ col.label }}

<template slot="body" slot-scope="props">
<q-tr :props="props">
<q-td auto-width>
<q-checkbox color="primary" v-model="props.selected" />
<q-td key="desc" :props="props">
<q-checkbox color="primary" v-model="props.expand" checked-icon="remove" unchecked-icon="add" class="q-mr-md" />
{{ }}
<q-td key="calories" :props="props">{{ props.row.calories }}</q-td>
<q-td key="fat" :props="props">{{ props.row.fat }}</q-td>
<q-td key="carbs" :props="props">{{ props.row.carbs }}</q-td>
<q-td key="protein" :props="props">{{ props.row.protein }}</q-td>
<q-td key="sodium" :props="props">{{ props.row.sodium }}</q-td>
<q-td key="calcium" :props="props">{{ props.row.calcium }}</q-td>
<q-td key="iron" :props="props">
<q-chip small square color="amber">{{ props.row.iron }}</q-chip>
<q-tr v-show="props.expand" :props="props">
<q-td colspan="100%">
<div class="text-left">This is expand slot for row above: {{ }}.</div>

Collapsible Lists and List Items

Last updated: Mon Jul 23 2018

Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Suggest an edit on GitHub

Data Table - Quasar Framework (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.