Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (2024)

Luke for Quasar

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Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (4) Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (5) Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (6) Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (7) Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (8)

#quasar #vue #javascript #webdev

Prefer video? I got ya covered!

I use selectable rows, and expandable rows all the time! I'll give you a real world example.

We record "spraying events" for paddocks, and sometimes a paddock will be sprayed many times! Our app groups individual sprays by paddock, and also gives a "total amount sprayed" in the parent row!

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (9)

Now look at what happens when we click on one of the rows...

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (10)

The farmers LOVE IT! And guess what...

It was surprisingly easy to build with Quasar's QTable! I'll show you how 😊

Also, notice the Totals row at the bottom? Also a piece of cake with Quasar! (more on summary rows in a future blog post)

Now before we dive in, take a look at QuasarComponents.Com for some action packed, heart POUNDING, nail biting, high intensity videos on all 72 of Quasar's components!

click here and I'll see you on the other side 😁

A Little Setup

Let's do some basic setup so things run smoothly!

<script>import { ref } from 'vue'export default { setup () { const selected = ref() const rows = [ { id: 1, name: 'Panda', email: 'panda@chihuahua.com', age: 6 }, { id: 2, name: 'Lily', email: 'lily@chihuahua.com', age: 5 } ] const columns = [ { label: 'expand', name: 'expand', field: 'expand' }, { label: 'id', field: 'id', name: 'id' }, { label: 'name', field: 'name', name: 'name' }, { label: 'email', field: 'email', name: 'email' }, { label: 'age', field: 'age', name: 'age' } ] return { rows, columns, selected } }}</script>

and here's the github repo

Expandable Rows

Expandable rows are made possible with the #body slot. I'll here's how it's done 😎

<q-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" row-key="id"> <template #body="props"> <q-tr :props="props"> <!-- Expand cell/button --> <q-td key="expand" name="expand" :props="props" auto-width > <!-- The important part here is @click="props.expand = !props.expand" --> <q-btn flat round :icon="props.expand ? 'remove' : 'add'" @click="props.expand = !props.expand" /> </q-td> <!-- Notice that we the "key" matches the columns "name" property Notice that we "proxy" the props from #body="props" to our q-td --> <q-td key="id" :props="props" > {{ props.row.id }} </q-td> <q-td key="name" :props="props" > {{ props.row.name }} </q-td> <q-td key="email" :props="props" > {{ props.row.email }} </q-td> <q-td key="age" :props="props" > {{ props.row.age }} </q-td> </q-tr> <!-- We show the row if "props.expand" is toggled to true! --> <q-tr v-show="props.expand" :props="props" > <q-td colspan="100%"> <div class="text-left"> Expanded </div> </q-td> </q-tr> </template></q-table>

all closed
Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (11)
one row expanded
Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (12)

A few things to note here:

First: The #body slot allows us to tap into individual rows

Second: we use Quasar's q-tr and q-td components to build the row. This gives us INSANE control!

Third: We use the scope (#body="props") and pass it to every q-td and q-tr. This is important! It means our q-tr's and q-td's get all the styling they need for things like dense and visible-columns (more on those later)

Fouth: We can toggle/track if a row is expanded with props.expanded

Read those four points back and forth until they make sense! Understand them, and you'll have IMMENSE power over Quasar's QTable!

Also notice that in the expanded row, we use colspan="100%" to basically say "take up all the space in this row". Helpful for things like "create" buttons that insert new rows.

AND, auto-width which "Tries to shrink column width size; Useful for columns with a checkbox/radio/toggle"

Individual Cells For Each Row

To be thorough, here's an example where the expanded row has cells, lining up with cells on the parent row...

<!-- Expandable Row (cells) --><q-table :rows="rows" :columns="columns" row-key="id"> <template #body="props"> <!-- PARENT ROW --> <q-tr :props="props"> <!-- Expand cell/button --> <q-td key="expand" name="expand" :props="props" auto-width > <q-btn flat round :icon="props.expand ? 'remove' : 'add'" @click="props.expand = !props.expand" /> </q-td> <q-td key="id" :props="props" > {{ props.row.id }} </q-td> <q-td key="name" :props="props" > {{ props.row.name }} </q-td> <q-td key="email" :props="props" > {{ props.row.email }} </q-td> <q-td key="age" :props="props" > {{ props.row.age }} </q-td> </q-tr> <!-- CHILD ROW --> <q-tr v-show="props.expand" :props="props" > <!-- Might want to leave the first cell blank, as it is simply space for the "expand" column --> <q-td key="expand" :props="props" /> <q-td :props="props"> summary </q-td> <q-td key="id" :props="props" > summary </q-td> <q-td key="name" :props="props" > summary </q-td> <q-td key="email" :props="props" > summary </q-td> <q-td key="age" :props="props" > summary </q-td> </q-tr> </template></q-table>

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (13)

those places that say "summary"... You can put whatever you like in those cells!

BIG TIP: use props.row to access the current row 🚣

HA! Emoji joke 😆

It's also worth noting that you can have as many "child" rows as you like!

And THAT my friend, is expandable rows. now let's move on to making rows selectable.

Selectable Rows. A Gift From Quasar 🎁

This truly is a gift! I've implemented a "selectable rows" feature myself in the past and you know what?


Quasar makes it easier than blowing out a two year old's birthday candles 🎂 (which you shouldn't do, that's not cool)...

Check it!

<q-table v-model:selected="selected" selection="single" :rows="rows" row-key="id"/>

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (14)

Yes! It really is that flippen easy 😱😱😱

Do I even need to explain this code!?

The one thing to note, is row-key is used to uniquely identify the selected data, so you'll need it!

HOT TIP: use the pre tag to display this data nicely when testing...

<pre>{{ selected }}</pre>

That's what all the cool kids are doing (or so I'm told)

"But Luke! I want to use a TOGGLE, not a checkbox

Oh!? Do ya now!?

No worries my inquisitive friend! Rollup your sleeves and try this!

<q-table v-model:selected="selected" selection="multiple" :rows="rows" row-key="id"> <template #header-selection="scope"> <q-toggle v-model="scope.selected" /> </template> <template #body-selection="scope"> <q-toggle v-model="scope.selected" /> </template></q-table>

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (15)

(did you catch my cheeky rollup joke?)

Note that scope.selected is a simple function that toggles the selection for you. Easy right?

Are you starting to see how Quasar's API makes building components bliss? I LOVE it ❤️

multiple select

You can enable multiple select by changing selection="single" to selection="multiple" 🍪

"Luke! This Is SO COOL! I Want MORE"

Oh nice, I love your enthusiasm!

If you want to learn more about this stuff, head on over to QuasarComponents.Com

In that series, we will...

All proceeds are donated directly to the Quasar Dev team!

Check it out here

Thanks for reading 🤓. Tomorrow we'll cover Loading State, Pagination, and Sorting (You're gonna LOVE Pagination).

Bye for now! And please for the love of code remember,

There is nothing you can't build...

Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (2/6) - Expandable Rows and Selectable Rows (2024)
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