Data Table - Quasar Framework (2024)

Quasar Grid is a Vue Component which allows you to display data in a tabular manner. Features:

  • Responsive (changes design when width is smaller than 600px to best accommodate small screens)
  • Sticky columns
  • Sticky headers
  • Filter (by all columns or by one column)
  • Sorting by columns
  • Cell formatter methods
  • Cell component renderer (through Vue scoped slots)
  • Pagination
  • Columns picker
  • Row selection (single or multiple)
  • Refresh functionality

Data Table is highly optimized to support a large number of rows, but its good to check “Performance” section below to make the most of it.

Best way to display a Grid is on a desktop so you might want to check that first. Resize the browser window to see sticky columns and the responsiveness.

Basic Usage

<!-- Custom renderer for "message" column -->
<div slot="col-message" slot-scope="cell">
<span class="light-paragraph">{{}}</span>

<!-- Custom renderer for "source" column -->
<div slot="col-source" slot-scope="cell">
<span v-if=" === 'Audit'" class="label text-white bg-primary">
<q-tooltip>Some data</q-tooltip>
<span v-else class="label text-white bg-negative">{{}}</span>

<!-- Custom renderer for "action" column with button for custom action -->
<div slot='col-action' slot-scope='cell'>
<q-btn color="primary" @click='doSomethingMethod('>View</q-btn>

<!-- Custom renderer when user selected one or more rows -->
<div slot="selection" slot-scope="selection">
<q-btn color="primary" @click="changeMessage(selection)">
<q-btn color="primary" @click="deleteRow(selection)">

Vue Properties

All Vue properties are required.

Vue PropertyDescription
configConfig object (see “Config Property” below).
columnsObject defining columns (see “Columns Definition” below).
dataData containing Array of rows to display.

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
refresh([Boolean])If parameter is missing or true then it puts Data Table in refresh mode. If parameter is false then components gets out of refresh mode.

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@refresh(Function done)Triggered when user clicks/taps on “Refresh” button. Call done() when refresh is over.
@selection(Array selection)Triggered when user selects/deselects a row. Parameter has all selected rows.
@rowclick(Object row)Triggered when user clicks on a row.

Configuring Data Table

Some things worth mentioning before digging into how to configure Data Table:

  • You must specify rowHeight property
  • You must specify each columns’ width

Config Property

Below is an example enabling all features:

config = {
// [REQUIRED] Set the row height
rowHeight: '50px',

// (optional) Title to display
title: 'Data Table',

// (optional) No columns header
noHeader: true,

// (optional) Display refresh button
refresh: true,

// (optional)
// User will be able to choose which columns
// should be displayed
columnPicker: true,

// (optional) How many columns from the left are sticky
leftStickyColumns: 0,

// (optional) How many columns from the right are sticky
rightStickyColumns: 2,

// (optional)
// Styling the body of the data table;
// "minHeight", "maxHeight" or "height" are important
bodyStyle: {
maxHeight: '500px'

// (optional) By default, Data Table is responsive,
// but you can disable this by setting the property to "false"
responsive: true,

// (optional) Use pagination. Set how many rows per page
// and also specify an additional optional parameter ("options")
// which forces user to make a selection of how many rows per
// page he wants from a specific list
pagination: {
rowsPerPage: 15,
options: [5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 500]

// (optional) Select one or more rows for an action
// "single" adds a column with radio buttons for single row selection
// "multiple" adds a column with checkboxes for multiple row selection
// omitting the property will result in no selection column at all
selection: 'multiple',

// (optional) Override default messages when no data is available
// or the user filtering returned no results.
messages: {
noData: '<i>warning</i> No data available to show.',
noDataAfterFiltering: '<i>warning</i> No results. Please refine your search terms.'

// (optional) Override default labels. Useful for I18n.
labels: {
columns: 'Coluuuuumns',
allCols: 'Eeeeeeeeevery Cols',
rows: 'Rooows',
selected: {
singular: 'item selected.',
plural: 'items selected.'
clear: 'clear',
search: 'Search',
all: 'All'

Columns definition

columns = [
// [REQUIRED] Column name
label: 'Date',

// [REQUIRED] Row property name
field: 'isodate',

// [REQUIRED] Column width
width: '100px',

// (optional) Column CSS style
style: {color: '#ff09fa'},
// "style" can be a function too if you want to apply
// certain CSS style based on cell value:
// style (cell_value) { return .... }

// (optional) Column CSS classes
classes: 'bg-primary',
// "classes" can be a function too if you want to apply
// certain CSS class based on cell value:
// classes (cell_value) { return .... }

// (optional) Can filter/search be applied to this column?
filter: true,

// (optional) Sortable column?
// If yes, then also specify `type` prop to know how to sort
sort: true,
// or you can specify a custom sorting method;
// works same as Array.prototype.sort().
// Return codes:
// < 0 --> "a" should be before "b"
// 0 --> "a" is same as "b"
// > 0 --> "a" should be after "b"
sort (a, b) {
return (new Date(a)) - (new Date(b))
// Type required if using sort.
// Available values: "string", "number", "date", "boolean"
type: 'string',

// (optional)
// use a formatter for this column;
// transforms original String in another String
format (value, row) {
return new Date(value).toLocaleString()


Describing below some of the features so it makes configuring more clear.

Data Table Height

Use config.bodyStyle optional property to define the height of your Data Table component. This property of config should contain CSS props and values:

  • If you want to have a maximum height, specify maxHeight CSS prop
  • If you want to have a minimum height, specify minHeight CSS prop
  • If you want to have a fixed height, specify height CSS prop

Making a column sortable

In the columns definition array specify sort: true (and also type) for the Object defining that column.

columns = [
label: '...',
sort: true, // <<<<

// Available values: "string", "number", "date", "boolean"
type: 'string' // <<< required to know how to sort

Formatting a Cell

There are two options to do this: use a formatter method or render cell through a component.

Formatter Method

In the columns definition array specify format() method for the Object defining that column.

columns = [
label: '...',
format (value) { // <<<<
return 'a' + value + 'b'

Rendering with Component

Sometimes you need to use a Tooltip or some specific component to render the cell. You can define a Vue component through a scoped slot:

<q-data-table ...>
<!-- Custom renderer for "message" column -->
<template slot="col-message" scope="cell">
<span class="light-paragraph">{{}}</span>

The scope property here (named cell) is an Object containing:

Scope PropertyDescription
rowObject containing the row of the respective cell.
colObject containing column definition for the respective cell.
dataCell value.

Slot attribute must have a value of the following form: col-[field_name].
Examples: “col-msg” (for field “msg”), “col-date” (for field “date”).

A field is a property name of a row. Example of Data Table data Vue property (which is an Array of all rows):

data = [
id: 1,
date: '21-10-2016',
msg: 'Some message',


Performance is always important when dealing with a high number of rows. Data Table component is written to be as efficient as possible (with lots of optimizations behind the scenes – it’s one of the fastest data table component out there!), but it’s a good thing to make an idea of what features are the most costly to have. So, in descending order:

  • Rendering a cell with a component
  • Rendering a cell with a formatter method. The formatter method must be really quick, so strip out whatever is not needed and avoid making complex computations.

The more rows you are displaying at a time the more time it will take for Data Table to render the cells. It’s a good idea to force pagination when you’re using lots of formatters or rendering with lots of components.

Collapsible HTML Table

Last updated: Tue Feb 20 2018

Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Suggest an edit on GitHub

Data Table - Quasar Framework (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.